Welcome to Doggidy Doo, where there is a dog for you! This is a place where you can view adoptable dogs, as well as dogs that have been lost and found in your local area. We appreciate your input and interest in the site. At the same time, we expect all visitors of this site to respect it and its purpose. While using this site, please be aware that we will not tolerate any foul language or pictures. We welcome any recommendations and suggestions, but please make sure that they are made in a professional and respectable manner, as this is a site viewable to children.
We will not allow you to steal, copy or otherwise tamper with any pictures posted on this site for your own personal gain.
We do not guarantee that you will be able to adopt a dog just because you have applied and we do not guarantee that you will have the dog of your choice if we do not feel that the dog is the right fit for you.
If you adopt a dog with us, we do not guarantee success with that dog; however, for best chances of success with your dog we encourage you to use the tools that are available on this site and those that were instructed to you when you adopted it.
Even after adoption, we reserve the right to follow up and investigate the health and well being of the dog at any time.
We do not claim that we are trainers, dog psychologists, breeders or veterinarians; yet, we do have such professionals who post on this site monthly. Their posts are strictly based on their knowledge, opinions and experience and they may not necessarily reflect our views or opinions. Always check with your local animal professional for advice and/or any second opinions.
We do not guarantee any dog listed in the “Lost” or “Found” categories to be your animal or to be a safe or well-mannered animal.
We do not suggest that you go to any individual’s home to pick up a dog that you think may be yours. Always go to a public dog park or public area to meet and verify the dog in question. In addition, never invite anyone to your home if you have found a dog.
We have the right to take any dog back if we find that there has been physical and/or psychological mistreatment of the animal.
If you have posted on this site in the “Lost” category and the dog has been found or returned to its owner, you must notify us so that we may remove it from that category and post it in the “Found” section.